The LIBER 42nd Annual Conference will be held 26-29 June 2013, in Munich, Germany. Its theme is “Research Information Infrastructures and the Future Role of Libraries”.
The Programme Committee invites original presentations and posters on one or more of the following topics.
-Collection development (Digital collections): Digitization, Open access, Strategies, Collaboration and integration (archives and museums, public/private partnership)
-Data: Opening data: policy, licenses, technology, Open bibliographic data and Linked Open Data, Advances of the Semantic Web, New services
-Digital preservation: Case studies, projects, systems in production, Business models, Consortia aspects
-eBooks: New business models, User experience
-Leadership, policy and strategy: Collaboration between libraries and other organizations/players, Exemplars in collaborative professional practice, Innovation in academic library management, services and concepts, Process management, relation between services and costs (business models, activity based costing), Library organizational structures – limits of flexibility
-New Technologies: Library systems, portals, repositories, Agile development versus traditional project management: pros and cons, Using API’s to create new services
-Open Access: Business models, Green road, Gold road, eBooks
-Research infrastructures, research data: Research data management, strategies and policies on developing, Collections of research data that the institution/university/organization produce, Role of libraries in the development of research infrastructures, Embedding librarianship skills in the research process, Transformation of libraries and information providers to become an integral part of research infrastructures, Role of heritage collections
-New technologies: Shared services/cloud services, Strategies, Benefits (expertise, costs)
Invited are submissions of:
-Research papers presenting theoretical solutions, but with a clear illustration on how these solutions can be applied
-Position papers presenting opinions on some aspect of practice, or describing work that is still in progress, but sufficiently mature to warrant attention
-Experiences and case studies specifying requirements, challenges or opportunities
-Best practices
The Programme Committee will select abstracts on basis of the following criteria: Relevance for the call for papers, Originality, Level of innovation, Impact on the wider library community, Quality of the abstract
Instructions for submitting abstracts
Interested participants should use the following link to submit the abstracts of your paper or poster. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 February 2013.
Accepted contributions will be limited to one paper and/or poster abstract per author. Abstract length should not exceed 2500 characters. The language of the conference will be English, and therefore the committee will only accept submissions in this language.
All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to supply full papers by 31 May 2013. A selection of full papers will be published in LIBER Quarterly, the peer reviewed LIBER Open Access journal, and/or on the publications section of the LIBER website.
LIBER Awards for Library Innovation
The 3 most innovative abstracts will receive the LIBER Award for Library Innovation. The prize consists of the opportunity to present the winning paper/poster at the LIBER Annual Conference 2013 in Munich (Germany), free registration, plus travelling expenses and accommodation.
The Programme Committee will select 8 abstracts from libraries in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine and reward them with a grant of 500 euro and free registration for the LIBER Annual Conference.
The Conference Programme will be online by the end of February 2013.
For further information, visit the LIBER website.