“LEM – The Learning Museum” is a network project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig (2010-2013) which aims to establish a permanent network and webspace for museums and adult educators to participate in a learning society and in a knowledge based Europe.
The final conference of the LEM project will take place in Bologna on 19 and 20 September 2013. On that occasion the conference’s Organizing Committee will bring together as many Associate Partners as possible, to make the most of the networking opportunities offered by the project. The conference has been registered on the Comenius Grundtvig Catalogue with the code IT-2013-960-001. The new deadline to apply for an invitation letter is April 15 – Deadline to apply for a Grundtvig grant is April 30 for most of the European NA.
It is addressed to museum educators and museum professionals who are interested in lifelong learning in a museum context, work with adults, or have a specific interest in one of the subject areas addressed by the LEM Network Project: museums and the ageing population, museums as learning places, intercultural dialogue, learning styles and audience development, museums of the 21st century.
It is also addressed to cultural operators in the heritage sector who are interested in networking internationally with other institutions and exchanging experiences and know how, with the objective of establishing further contacts and collaborations in the broad subject area of lifelong learning in cultural institutions and especially in museums.
The conference will feature a number of presentations focussed on the subject of “The Learning Museum” and on how museums can learn from other agencies, from the public and the communities they serve.
In parallel, networking activities will go on in the “agora”, the display area next to the conference venue, where participants will be able to come in direct contact with all the LEM Partners (23 institutions) and about 20 Associate Partners.
The conference is listed on the Comenius – Grundtvig Training Database with the reference number “IT-2013-960-001”
To access it directly http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=36336
15 April 2013 to apply to Margherita Sani ([email protected]), for the invitation letter
30 April 2013 to apply to your National Agency for the grant
More information in the conference page