The illegal excavation in Turgutlu village of the northern Anatolian province of Çorum’s Sungurlu district, carried out in March, has brought to light a 1,900-year-old tomb. The tumulus, where the tomb was found, had been excavated before, in 2012, also illegally.

The tomb has been removed from the excavation area by archaeologists and moved into the Çorum Museum. It dates back to 96-98 AD. “The tomb cover is 240 centimeters. It is 120 centimeters in width and 58 centimeter in height. The two long sides of the tomb cover were broken by smugglers who wanted to enter it. One of the acroteria was also broken. Some pieces of this acroterion were found by experts and attached to their place by the conservator of the museum. Eros, the god of love in Greek mythology, is embroidered on the surface of the tomb. The head of Eros received damage because of smugglers,” said Çorum Museum Director Önder İpek. Apart from the skeletal remains, a sliver coin, a gold earring and a ring were found inside the tomb.

Gov. Sabri Başköy added that archaeologists believe there was a female body inside the tomb. In order to verify this, the tomb was sent to Ankara for further tests.