A number of SU PhD scholarships SU (4+4) and PhD fellowships (5+3) are announced at the Graduate School at Arts, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University. These scholarships/fellowships are available as of 1 February 2015 for a period of up to three years (5+3) and of up to four years (4+4). Candidates who are awarded the scholarship/fellowship must commence their PhD degree programme on1 February 2015.
The scholarships/fellowships are available in all fields and areas of research at the Faculty of Arts.
A prerequisite for allocation of a SU PhD scholarship/PhD fellowship is that the candidate is enrolled as a PhD student at the Graduate School at Arts.
The PhD student must complete the studies in accordance with the current regulations for the PhD degree programme, currently the Ministerial Order of 27 August 2013 on the PhD degree programme at the Universities: http://talent.au.dk/phd/arts/rulesandforms/thephddegreeprogramme/
Description of the Graduate School’s PhD degree programme (4+4 and 5+3):
Rules and regulations for the PhD degree programme at the Graduate School at Arts: http://talent.au.dk/phd/arts/rulesandforms/thephddegreeprogramme/
As a PhD student at the Graduate School at Arts, the candidate is affiliated with one of the school’s 8 academic PhD programmes:
– ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism
– Art, Literature and Cultural Studies
– Language, Linguistics and Cognition
– History, Archaeology and Classical Studies
– Anthropology, International Area Studies and the Study of Religion
– Theology, History of ideas and Philosophy
– Didactics
– Learning and Education
Candidates who are awarded a PhD scholarship/fellowship will be assigned a place of work in connection with the relevant research culture (Campus Aarhus or Campus Emdrup), normally in affiliation with the principal supervisor’s department. In general, the student is expected to be present at the department on an everyday basis.
The PhD degree program is expected to include a lengthy research stay at a foreign institution, cf. Description of the graduate school’s PhD degree programme.
The faculty’s research programmes
Department of Aesthetics and Communication: http://dac.au.dk/en/research/research-programmes/
Department of Culture and Society: http://cas.au.dk/en/research/research-programmes/
Department of Education: http://edu.au.dk/en/research/research-areas/
Centre of Teaching Development and Digital Media: http://tdm.au.dk/en/research/research-projects/
4+4 programme
Applicants for a Graduate School SU PhD scholarship (4+4) must be able to document relevant qualifications in the academic area of the PhD project in the form of a Bachelor’s degree and one year of Master’s degree studies or equivalent qualifications. A prerequisite for allocation of SU PhD scholarships is that these qualifications are acquired no later than 31 January 2015.
Applicants who have acquired 60 ECTS credits in a Master’s degree examination and applicants who will have acquired 60 to 90 ECTS credits in a Master’s degree examination after the deadline for application can apply for a combined SU and PhD scholarship in the 4+4 scheme. Applicants who have already earned 90 ECTS credits at the time of application should apply for the 5+3 PhD scholarship when the mark for the thesis has been awarded.
The duration of Part A of the PhD degree programme depends on the number of ECTS credits earned at the commencement of study. The duration is estimated based on the information in the application about the number of ECTS credits earned and those to be awarded upon satisfactory completion of current courses.
A condition for being allocated a combined SU and PhD scholarship is that the applicant passes this examination prior to the commencement of studies.
SU PhD scholarships are allocated in accordance with the Ministerial Order regarding state educational support (SU), section II: https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=158626 (Danish State Education Grant and Loan Scheme Authority – only in Danish. Please see this page for further information http://www.su.dk/English/Sider/foreign.aspx).
In connection with the SU PhD scholarship, a PhD scholar can undertake paid work amounting to 280 hours distributed over part A of the studies. Employment in accordance with protocol regarding PhD scholars; agreement regarding payment of PhD students for work carried out in connection with the PhD degree programme: http://talent.au.dk/phd/arts/rulesandforms/thephddegreeprogramme/
SU PhD-points and hourly pay: http://talent.au.dk/phd/arts/rulesandforms/salary-and-employment/salary-part-a-of-the-4-4-programme/
5+3 programme
Applicants for a 3-year Graduate School PhD fellowship (5+3) must enclose the marks awarded for their Master’s thesis by the deadline for application, and must have completed their two year Master’s degree (120 ECTS) no later than 31 January 2015.
PhD students under the 5+3 programme and under part B of the 4+4 programme receive a regular salary. The terms of employment are in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (see section 6.1.4), as well as with the protocol to the agreement covering staff with university degrees in the state sector (see enclosure 5). The agreement and the protocol including amendments are available online: http://talent.au.dk/phd/arts/rulesandforms/thephddegreeprogramme/
Salary: http://talent.au.dk/phd/arts/rulesandforms/salary-and-employment/salary-5-3-programme-and-part-b-of-the-4-4-programme/
Applicants requiring academic guidance regarding their application for a SU PhD scholarship/PhD fellowship should contact the head of the relevant PhD programme:
Applications for the SU PhD scholarship/PhD fellowship and enrolment in the PhD degree programme can only be submitted via Aarhus University’s web-based facility.
Guidelines for the application facility: http://talent.au.dk/phd/arts/application/application-guide/
Application deadline: 1 October 2014 at 23:59 CET
Reference Number: 2014-218/1-141
Aarhus University offers an inspiring education and research environment for 44,500 students and 11,500 members of staff, ensuring results of a high international standard. Currently, 275 PhD students are enrolled at the Graduate School, Arts. The budgeted turnover for 2014 amounts to DKK 6.2 billion. The university’s strategy and development contract are available at www.au.dk/en/.