The International Interdisciplinary Conference Greco-Roman Cities at the Crossroads of Cultures – the 20th Anniversary of Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission Marina El-Alamein will take place in Wrocław, on 17-18 September 2015.
It is organised by the Department of History of Architecture, Art and Technology (Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Technology), the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (University of Warsaw), the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilizations (Jagiellonian University), the InterAcademy Institute of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art.
2015 marks the 20th anniversary of setting up the Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission Marina El-Alamein. During this time architectural and archaeological research has been carried out at the site, numerous relics of historic building structures have been preserved, conservation methods have been improved. In the jubilee year the site will be open to tourists.
The ancient town discovered at the place of today’s Marina El-Alamein was developing from the second century BC to the sixth century. Similarly to Alexandria, it was a Greek town. Located on the northern coast of Egypt, it found itself at the crossroads of several cultures. The Hellenic civilization, to which the settlement owes its emergence, later replaced by the Roman civilization were both favoured in the town by its position on the land and sea trading routes connecting different regions, mainly Alexandria with Cyrenaica, and also leading further to the west and towards the Orient. Egyptian influences, however, are equally strong. Over time the city became the seat of a Christian bishopric. Meeting here, various cultures appeared, grew in strength, then their significance weakened, but they always coexisted, affecting each other. The syncretism prevailing here is notable in art, architecture, religion and worship.
In the jubilee year we would like to cordially invite to a scientific discussion and exchange of experience. Speakers are expected to be representatives of different disciplines and research methodologies: archaeologists, architects, specialists in religious studies, historians, conservators, and other researchers of archaeological sites and towns with a similar history and place in the ancient world, art and culture.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas: Hellenistic and Roman Archaeology, History, Religion, Architecture, Conservation.
The language of the conference is English.
Scientific Board: Professor Wiktor A. Daszewski (University of Warsaw), Professor Michał Gawlikowski (University of Warsaw), Professor Patrizio Pensabene (Sapienza University of Rome), Professor Tomasz Waliszewski (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology), Professor Jacek Kościuk (Wrocław University of Technology), Professor Rafał Czerner (Wrocław University of Technology).
The venue:
The Conference will be held at the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, ul. Bernardyńska 5, 50-156 Wrocław.
Registration fee: Registration fee for international participants: 80 EUR (by June 15th)
Registration fee for Polish participants: 300 PLN (by June 15th)
Registration, abstract and paper submission:
– Registration deadline: 15 April 2015
Registration can be made by sending an e-mail with the participant’s name, organizational affiliation and the working title of the presentation to [email protected].
– Abstract submission deadline: 15 June 2015
Conference participants are welcome to submit an abstract in English (250-500 words) in either .doc or .pdf format to [email protected].
All the proposals will be reviewed and arranged into the final programme of the conference. Authors will be informed by e-mail on the acceptance of their abstract by 31 June 2015.
– Full paper submission deadline: 31 December 2015
Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of History of Architecture, Art and Technology, PL 50-370 Wrocław, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27. Phone: +48 71 3206231, phone/fax: +48 71 3225215,
All enquiries regarding the conference should be sent to: [email protected]
Organizing committee: Rafał Czerner, Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner, Piotr Zambrzycki, Maria Kasińska, Karolina Majdzik