The BES Spring Meeting 2015 is scheduled to take place in Dresden on 9 May 2015.

Confirmed speakers:

S. Orlandi (Rome): A “new” actor from an “old” inscription.
W. Eck (Köln): Geschriebene Kommunikation: 200 Jahre kaiserliche Politik im Spiegel der Bürgerrechtskonstitutionen.
J.K. Davies (Liverpool): Proxy epigraphy: reaching the private economic places that inscriptions cannot normally reach
K. Hallof (Berlin): Romani intra portas. The Roman community im frühaugusteischen Kos.
M.H. Crawford (UCL): The epigraphy of Latin colonisation.

The meeting will take place in the Hans-Nadler-Saal in the Residenzschloss of the Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD).

Call for short reports and posters:

Anyone interested in offering a short report (c. 5-10 minutes) on new finds from the last season, or to present a poster on their doctoral or postdoctoral project, should contact the meeting organiser, Dr Christoph Lundgreen, at their earliest convenience: [email protected].

The full programme will become available once the short reports and posters have been confirmed.

The meeting is generously supported by: Mommsengesellschaft e.V.; Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden; Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Technischen Universität Dresden e.V.


The meeting is free of charge, but anyone interested in participating is asked to register their attendance by 30 April 2015 using the BES registration form.

For information on accommodation in Dresden click here. And for travel tips on how to get to Dresden, click here.

And to find out what’s on at the Opera (and to buy tickets), see the Spielplan of the Semperoper!