The Egypt Exploration Society invites applications for grants from its Centenary Fund.
The Centenary Awards are intended to encourage early-career Egyptologists: applicants must be current postgraduate students or within five years of having been awarded their degree.
The total value of the Award will be in the region of £6,000. This sum will be divided among several projects, and the maximum any single project will be allocated is unlikely to exceed £2,500.
The closing date for applications is 5 pm (GMT) on Friday 1 May 2015. No application received after that date will be considered. Interviews will not be held; applications will be considered by the Society’s Research Committee in May 2015 and applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application no later than 30 June 2015. All applications, together with the required references, must be submitted electronically to: [email protected].
The Society welcomes applications for fieldwork and also for museum/archive-based research, particularly where this has arisen from, or can be related to, present or past EES fieldwork. Applications which enrich the work of the Society’s current research projects and relate to its strategy are particularly encouraged. (See
-Applicants need not be members of the Egypt Exploration Society.
-The award is not intended as a supplement to student grants for regular undergraduate or postgraduate courses.
-The Society expects that the successful candidate(s) will undertake their work before 31 March 2017 unless they indicate otherwise. Save in exceptional circumstances, and then only with the consent of the EES Trustees, an award which is not taken up by the date specified shall lapse.
-The Society does not necessarily undertake to publish the results of work completed by the award-holder. However, the Society will expect award-holders to disseminate the results of their funded research as quickly as possible and by all available appropriate means – online reports/blogs, presentations to EES members and/or donors and/or partner institutions, articles for the EES Newsletter/Egyptian Archaeology, etc.
-The award will not normally be given more than once to the same person.
Further information about the award and previous holders is available here.
You can download the application form here. Please submit the completed form to[email protected], together with two references.