“Museums in motion” is an international conference dedicated to exploring the emergent reconsideration of both the content and the role of city museums. It aims to promote dialogue and knowledge exchange among experts drawn from museum institutions and academia, as well as researchers, artists and designers, actively involved in addressing questions on the nature of the technologically mediated urban activity and experience.
The “Museums in motion” conference 2015 is inscribed in the framework of DeMuCiV – Thales Research Program – University of Thessaly, 2011-2015. “DeMuCiV: Designing the Museum of the City of Volos: Historical Research and Development of innovative interactive content for the dissemination of knowledge” is a research program, funded by the Greek Ministry of Education and the European Union, concerning the development of interactive content for the Museum of the City of Volos, in central Greece.
The “Museums in motion” conference 2015, to take place on July 3rd and 4th in Volos, Greece will consist of two days of paper presentations, panel discussions, and satellite events. The Conference is organized by the Laboratory of Environmental Communication and Audiovisual Documentation (EPEOT-LECAD).
Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly in collaboration with the Social Anthropology Laboratory and Oral History Archive at the Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology (IAKA), University of Thessaly and the School of Architecture of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.