The 14th EMAC is organized by the Research Institute on Archaeomaterials (IRAMAT-CRP2A), a joint laboratory of the National Center for Scientific Research and Bordeaux Montaigne University.
The European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) in a biennial conference convening scholars and young researchers, both from humanities and sciences.
In accordance with former editions, the aim of this 14th meeting is to promote interdisciplinary and integrated studies of ancient ceramics. Scientists with diverse academic backgrounds are encourage to share expertise for solving issues on production processes, dissemination and use, and up to alteration and conservation. New approaches and methodological developments are presented in terms of analytical and measuring techniques, data processing and interpretation.
The topics of this 14th edition are :
-Environmental and raw material studies (clay, temper, fuel…);
-Gestures and techniques (chaîne-opératoire, production processes, object biography…);
-Ceramic function and use (organic residues, use-wear analysis…);
-Provenance and networks;
-Technical ceramics (metallurgy, glass making…);
-Slips and glazes;
-New methodologies and data analysis (3D, portable and non invasive techniques, statistics…).
Registration and Venue
The 14th EMAC will be held in Bordeaux (France) from the 6th to 9th of September 2017.
Abstracts submission will start the 31st of October 2016 and end the 31st of January 2017.
Registration will open the 1st of April 2017.