Damages caused by the earthquake last July on the island of Kos amount to a total of 95 million euros, as estimated by the services of the Kos Municipality. Records made concern damages to public buildings, the island’s infrastructure and its archaeological sites, as announced by Mayor of Kos George Kyritsis, who has already informed Prime minister Alexis Tsipras, ministers and party heads of the opposition.

Most damage has been sustained by the island’s archaeological monuments for whose restoration 49.2 million euros are required, according to estimations by the Ephorate of Antiquities.

The redesigning and rebuilding of the port facilities (41 million euros) will follow, as shall the restoration of school buildings (2.2 million euros) and the water supply infrastructure (1.1 million euros). Smaller amounts are required for repairing damages to the County Hall, road networks, Public Power Cooperation, prisons, military base facilities et al.

The aim of the municipality is to activate the European Union Solidarity Fund to restore the damages, announced Mr Kyritsis. Among other things, the Mayor pointed out that “after recording and estimating the cost of the damages, both Greece and Kos can legitimately apply for the activation of the European Union Solidarity Fund. Alternatively, resources from the European Regional Development Fund can be used to rebuild port infrastructure and repair damages in the public space and the island’s infrastructure, but also repair damages to small and medium-sized businesses.”