Classical translation journal Minerva is now seeking submissions for its second issue. The subject is “war(fair?)”.
After its initial success, Minerva now returns for its second instalment. This time, we ask you to consider the implications of and attitudes towards war throughout history. Can war be fair and just? Given that instigator and victim, soldier and strategist are often worlds apart, we seek to explore in Minerva’s Issue 2 how the atrocities of violence are resolved in literary sources. We would welcome pieces from military historians, mournful elegists, and bitter critics alike. Ideally, our finished issue would be a rich and varied tapestry of praise and criticism, fact and imagination, sorrow and pride.
As always, we are looking both for submissions that are translations from ancient into modern languages, as well as adaptations from modern languages into Latin and Ancient Greek. We invite everyone to submit, from beginning Classicists to experienced researchers, as well as school teachers and all other enthusiasts of the Classics.
We would ask that submissions are kept to a maximum of 500 words. The deadline for submissions is 31st January 2018. Submissions should be sent to [email protected] in either .doc or .pdf format. Should you have any questions about submissions, our selection process, or our work in general, please do not hesitate to get in touch!