We are honored to announce the composition of the Scientific Committee and the date of the Second International Conference in Ancient Fragmentary Drama “The Forgotten Theatre”; the Conference will be held on the 29th (or 28th)- 30th of November 2018 at the University of Turin.
The Scientific Commettee is composed by: Andrisano Angela Maria (Ferrara), Bianchi Francesco Paolo (Heidelberg), Drago Anna Tiziana (Bari), Finglass Patrick (Bristol), Maltese Enrico V. (Torino), Matelli Elisabetta (Milano Sacro Cuore), Totaro Pietro (Bari), Zimmermann Bernhard (Heidelberg).
The Call for Papers for the conference is open until the 31st of July 2018.
You can find the Call for Papers in our website: www.teatroclassico.unito.it > convegni
For any further information please contact [email protected]