“‘Multas per gentes et multa per aequora vectus’. Travels and Travellers from Ancient to Contemporary Age” will take place on 17th-18th-19th October 2018, in Vercelli, Italy.

Call for Papers

The specific methods and different approaches that characterize the historians’ craft sometimes make difficult to set up a dialogue that goes beyond traditional periodizations. Despite of shared themes, historians rarely operate in a common area of discussion. In order to promote a wide confrontation, the Second Edition of “Historical Debates” will focus on the theme of travel as one of the most recurring issues of historiographical reflection, with the purpose to promote a debate beyond these traditional divisions. Humanity has never been limited to frontiers. From Ancient Times to Contemporary Age societies have always met and cultures interacted and mixed by crossing borders and travelling.

Proposals can develop the following topics:

-Travel memories: historical accounts written by intellectuals, diplomatists, ecclesiastics, soldiers, merchants, scientists etc.
-Migrations: temporary or permanent movements of groups of people.
-Discoveries of new lands: colonization or exploration of continents or places madeby explorers and scientists, whether historians or technicians, space travels.
-Grand tours and study trips from Ancient to Contemporary Age.
-“Forced” journeys: people leaving their own land for political reasons.
-Pilgrimages and memorial trips: journeys towards places of worship and historicalcultural heritage.

The Seminar is organized by History PhD Students of the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Eastern Piedmont “Amedeo Avogadro” with the purpose of encouraging the academic debate and strengthening our Academic Community:

1. Greek and Roman History (PhD Student: Martina Zerbinati)
2. Medieval History (PhD Student: Matteo Moro)
3. Modern History (PhD Students: Michela Ferrara, Eugenio Garoglio)
4. Contemporary History (PhD Student: Stefano Scaletta)

The Seminar will be held at the Department of Humanistic Studies in Vercelli from 17th October to 19th October 2018.

PhD students and young researchers interested in participating are warmly invited to submit to all our contacts a proposal including a brief CV (max. 5000 characters, spaces included), the name of the University in where they study, title of presentation together with a short abstract (max. 3000 characters, spaces included) within 15th June 2018. Proposals of students from University of Eastern Piedmont (except for the organizers) will not be accepted.

Selected speakers will be contacted within 29th June 2018.

Publication of papers with a scientific publisher is expected.


Michela Ferrara – (Modern History) [email protected]
Eugenio Garoglio – (Modern History) [email protected]
Matteo Moro – (Medieval History) [email protected]
Stefano Scaletta – (Contemporary History) [email protected]
Martina Zerbinati – (Ancient History) [email protected]