The training course in epigraphy and iconographic studies is open to students as well as scholars with some experience
(such as Egyptian professionals, be they curators, inspectors,
and so on).

It is organized by the Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) and
provided by: Julie Masquelier-Loorius, Silvia Einaudi,
Anne-Claire Salmas, and Yannis Gourdon.

The one-week training, conducted by four Egyptologists who are
all involved in epigraphic projects, aims to provide the
participants with the relevant tools and techniques of epigraphic
survey and iconographic studies and to enable them to choose the
most appropriate solution(s) when confronted in the field with
the recording of an inscription/scene. The purpose of the
training is therefore to develop the critical thinking skills
that ought to be applied during the surveying process. The
first part of the training will take place in Cairo, the second
in Luxor.

Practical information

Students transportation could be covered by the Académie’s budget,
to a certain extent though, providing that students could not get
any stipend from their own institutions; however the transportation
of Egyptian professionals (curators, inspectors, etc.) cannot be
provided by the Académie.

Accommodation for all participants (at the IFAO in Cairo and in a
hotel in Luxor) is also covered by the Académie’s budget.

Application process

We invite those interested in the training programme to send
your application via  e-mail at
<mailto:julie.masquelier-[email protected]>. The application must
comprise a cover-letter, a C.V. (with a list of publications if
applicable), and one letter of recommendation. Application deadline: June 3, 2019