This two-year fellowship is open to U.S. citizen postdoctoral scholars. The successful applicant will work in the ARCE Project Archives in Cairo with materials from a USAID-funded project (1998-2004) that documented and conserved Coptic icons from the Byzantine to Ottoman periods. The successful candidate will assess the Coptic Icons database and project documentation, and crosscheck and reference the meta-data contained in the database against some 3,000 images.
Expected outputs for the first year include the submission of an article to a peer-reviewed journal, an article for ARCE’s membership magazine, Scribe, and a report for Following the assessment phase of the Coptic Icons database, the fellow will develop a publication proposal based on the database. Expected output for the second fellowship year is a draft manuscript. The primary subject of research investigation should be a critical examination of some aspect of the history, thought, or culture of Coptic Christianity as related to the Coptic Icons database.
Scholars who focus on Coptic or Byzantine iconography from disciplines such as art history, history, philosophy and theology/religious studies or other related humanities disciplines are encouraged to apply. Doctoral candidates who have successfully defended their dissertation by March 1, 2020, with a PhD in hand by September 15, 2020, are eligible to apply. The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs funds the fellowship through a grant to the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC).
One fellowship will be awarded at $2,640 per month plus round trip airfare. Guidelines are available here.