Starting from the 2nd of January 2020, the ticket pricesas well as the free admission hours at the Benaki Museum of Greek Culture have changed.
Specifically, ticket prices will be changed as follows:
Permanent Collection: €12,00 and €9,00 (reduced admission)
Temporary Exhibition: €8,00 and €6,00 € (reduced admission)
Combined Ticket (permanent collection &temporary exhibition): €15,00 and €12,00 (reduced admission)
The ticket for “The Benaki Museum Exprerience”, which entitles visitors to one entrance per exhibition in all the Benaki Museum buildings and is valid for 3 months, remains at €25,00. The same applies to ticket for journalists at €1,00.
All visitors entitled to reduced admission and free admission remains the same.
Reduced Admission: students, persons over 65, teachers, archaeologists, conservators, members of the Hellenic Chamber of Fine Arts, Hellenic Ministry of Culture card holders, European Youth Card holders.
Free admission: unemployment card holders, persons under 22, disabled persons, guides, members of the Benaki Museum, members of ICOM
The free admission hours at the Permanent Exhibition of Benaki Museum of Greek Culture every Thursday will also change.
Free admission will apply every Thursday from 6:00 pm until 12:00 am.
The usual ticket prices shall apply from 10:00 am, opening of the museum, until 6:00 pm.