The Call For Papers of the Conference in Classics & Ancient History is now open. The Congress will take place on 22-25 June 2020, at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal).

Panel 20. Itinerance and Memory. Images in Ancient Greece: Multi-temporality, Cultural Agents and Visual Agendas

Panel Convenors: Carmen Sánchez Fernández (University Autónoma of Madrid) [], Jorge Tomás García (University Autónoma of Madrid) [[email protected]]

The deadline is: 25/03/2020

In the last two decades how to approach the analysis of ancient greek images has adopted a new narrative that forces us to rethink the deep meaning of these images. In this sense, the insertion of visual culture in the theoretical methodology of image studies responds to the need to claim interdisciplinarity. Through the proposed theoretical approach, it is possible to create a common space for the different areas of classical studies: the novel results of the most recent research confirm that this common space legitimizes us to continue researching on this “cultural visuality”. In this context, the itinerance of culture and images is of the most relevant change parameters has emerged in recent decades. The relevance of the concept is due to the fact that it covers different areas of action: Greek and indigenous viewers, itinerant agents; objects that are manufactured and circulated; places of origin and reception of itinerant elements.

Ancient Greek culture is an exemplary space to understand how new narratives are being built on images in ancient visual culture in relation to this itinerant social life of them: their interconnection and mobility, the cultural connections in these complexes processes, the importance of memory (cultural and/or communicative) and the social structures affected by the presence of images are some of the fundamental tools for this new methodological construction. Thus, in this panel we intend to bring together specialists who propose topics related to the mechanisms of cultural interaction between the different Greek poleis through mobility, itinerance, memory, uses and visualization of images. The proposals can focus on the following topics (not exclusively): aspects of image production; various readings that enclose your images not only from the Greek view, but from multiple approaches; the look of the last viewer where the Greek images reach their final destination; the social life of the object; its uses, its repairs, its changes of meaning, its survivals, etc.

To submit a proposal you must send an email to[email protected]. Abstracts and a short biography should contain a maximum of 250 words each.

Languages accepted: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French.

Duration of the paper: 40min or 20 min.

Abstracts should have:

– Title of communication

– E-mail

– University

– Abstracts (max 250 words)

– Keywords (5 to 10 words)