In the early hours of Monday 30 March the painting “Spring Garden, the Parsonage Garden in Nuenen in Spring” (1884) by Vincent van Gogh was stolen from Singer Laren. The painting, on display as part of the museum’s exhibition Mirror of the Soul – From Toorop to Mondrian, was on loan from the Groninger Museum.

“We are deeply shocked, angry and saddened”, said museum director Jan Rudolph de Lorm. “A magnificent and poignant painting by one of our greatest artists has been taken from the community. It is terrible for the Groninger Museum and for Singer Laren, but above all for every one of us. Art exists to be shared, to enjoy, to inspire and offer comfort, particularly in times such as these. Art is vital to our culture.”

“Security at Singer Laren complies with protocol. It has been coordinated with the insurance experts, with whom Singer Laren is currently in close consultation”, said Evert van Os, managing director.

An investigation has been launched, involving experts from several fields, including forensic investigators, detectives and members of the national crime squad specialised in art theft.