Eight funded Ph.D. Positions are advertised by the University of Urbino (Italy)’s Department of Communication Science, Humanistic and International Studies (Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali). The positions advertised include themes in classics, history, and cultural studies.

In particular, the Department invites applications for 10 Ph.D. Positions, eight with a scholarship, and two non-funded. One out of the eight funded positions is exclusively reserved for candidates holding a foreign degree. The scholarship amounts to € 15.343,28 gross / year —subject to National Social Insurance (INPS) in compliance with current regulations.

Themes of Research

1.Text and communication sciences (2 positions with scholarship – 1 position with scholarship reserved to candidates holding a foreign degree – 1 position without scholarship)

Communication and media studies; Internet studies; Sociology of Culture; Consumption analysis; Forms and languages of the contemporary collective imagery; Cinema, photography and performance studies; Audience studies; Public communication; Philology, Exegesis of sources; Classical Theatre History; Reception and fortune of classical Greeks; Genres and forms of literary communication; Study of metrical-rhythmic forms in poetic communication, and their history.

2. Contemporary history and comparative cultures (3 positions with scholarship)

Contemporary history; Political and social history of Italy and Europe; History of the Italian and European political system; History of political movements and parties; Cultural history and cultural studies; Intercultural Studies; Identity and cultural memory in humanistic studies; Linguistics and linguistic heritage; European and American literature.

3. Human Sciences (2 positions with scholarship – 1 position without scholarship)

Theoretical and logical philosophy; Moral Philosophy and Religious Philosophy; History of philosophy and ideas; Culture and education; Educational models; Empirical research in psychotherapy; Neuroscience of aging processes and of psychological processes; Pathological psychological processes in clinical specimens; Development of language.

Ph.D. Student Activities

– Research theory and practice.
– Empirical research aiming at developing the ability to build a research outline, make it operative, select the best methodology and survey techniques, detect data with quantitative or qualitative tools, processing/interpreting data, and writing a research report.

-Tutoring and teaching

-Writing reviews and working papers

– Participation in conferences

– Study- abroad opportunities


The application must be submitted exclusively via the online procedure available at https://pica.cineca.it/uniurb/dottorato36/.

All documents (max.  30Mb/each) must be attached in pdf format. The application and the attached documents are sent automatically to the University at the submission of the online procedure. No hard copy of the documentation must thus be delivered nor sent to the offices.

Selection procedure

  1. Evaluation of qualifications – up to 20 points a. Curriculum vitae (up to 5 points); b. Research Project (up to 12 points); c. Scientific publications (up to 2 points); d. Additional documentation (up to 1 point).

The  Selection  Board will publish the evaluation results on the website www.uniurb.it/dottorati by September  17th, 2020. Candidates scoring at least 10 out of 20 points will be admitted to the oral examination. 

  1. Oral examination via remote interview (google meet) – up to 60 points.

During the oral examination, that will take place on September 21st, 2020 h 9:00 CEST, candidates will be asked to present their curriculum and their specific scientific and research interests, illustrate their research project proposals, in coherence with the chosen curriculum.

Within the Text and   Communication Sciences curriculum, candidates interested in  SSD  L-FIL_LET/02 Greek  Language and  Literature  (Area  10) must take a mandatory Greek test, which foresees the translation of a short text drawn from ancient Greek literature.

During the oral examination, the Selection Board will also assess the knowledge of the English language. It is possible to take the oral examination in English upon request.


 For information requests regarding administrative aspects and support with the online application procedure, please send an email to [email protected] and indicate the Ph.D. curriculum in the email subject.