Papers related to the conference theme: Museums in the time of COVID-19 are now invited.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the CIPEG Annual Meeting “Egypt, Sudan and abroad”, that would have been held 7-11 December 2020 in Paris, has been postponed until winter 2021.
The CIPEG Annual Meeting 2020 will be online and concerned with pandemic-related museum topics. Cultural institutions around the world are showing great resilience and creativity in managing this situation and we invite our colleagues to provide short reports on their museum’s activities or strategies.
In this way, we can share experiences and get a picture of the world situation as it relates to Egyptian and Sudanese antiquities.
Looking forward to the future, the third day of the conference will be dedicated to the inaugural Young CIPEG Meeting, which aims to bring together aspiring young museum professionals from around the
world, with established ones in the field. It will provide a forum for the discussion of museology matters, including career pathways, the changing role of museums, ethics, and museum practice, as they relate to the study of Egyptian and Sudanese collections, and an opportunity for young people to voice their opinions and seek career guidance.
If you wish to present a short report (max. 10 minutes) about your institution, please send the title and an abstract (in English) of no more than 200 words to the CIPEG Chair Tine Bagh
[email protected] and to the CIPEG secretary Daniela Picchi: [email protected]
Abstracts should be submitted as Word files and include your name, title, institutional affiliation (if appropriate), and full contact details.
The deadline for receiving abstracts is Monday 12 October 2020.
If you wish to attend the annual meeting without presenting a paper, please also inform us before Monday 12 October 2020.
The Zoom link to the various parts of the meeting will be sent to the ones who have registered. For more see here.
Further information will be posted on the CIPEG website.