The following positions in antiquity-related subjects are currently open in Italian universities:

Position: assegnista di ricerca (postdoc)

Duration: one year

Institution: Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Project: The city’s shape. Making a verbo-visual Lexicon of Flavian Rome

Deadline: 14/12/2020

(Seems to require a doctorate in Archaeology or Art History)


Position: assegnista di ricerca (postdoc)

Duration: one year

Institution: Università degli Studi di Udine

Project: Physicians and medicine in ancient Greek comedy

Deadline: 15/12/2020


Position: assegnista di ricerca (postdoc)

Duration: one year

Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma

Project: Aristophanes’ polymetry: elaboration of a corpus of the main metrical patterns for the staging of Old Comedy by Theatron – Ancient Theatre at ‘Sapienza’

Deadline: 04/01/2021


Position: ricercatore B (assistant professor, tenure-track)

Duration: three years, then tenure (maybe)

Institution: Università degli Studi di Torino

Subject: Greek History

Deadline: 11/01/2021


Any further information, including the application procedure, can be found by following the relevant link. I have no additional information to offer.