The Call for Papers for EAA 2021 Session #192 “Landscapes and the Augustan Revolution: Exploring the transformation of the Western Provinces between the Republic and the Early Empire” is now open.

Location: Kiel (Germany); due to the current situation, the conference will be hybrid (on-site and remote attendance).

Date: 8–11 September 2021


The Western provinces of the Roman Empire experienced different processes and temporalities of Roman conquest that created diverging ways of understanding these provincial landscapes. In particular, the hodological vision of the republican period has generated perceptions of provincial spaces from the Romano-centric point of view which have defined how the provinces of Sardinia, Sicilia, Gallia,Hispania and Africa are understood. During the Imperialism development, the emergence of new requirements and aims motivated a complete renovation of Romandomains at the end of the Republic started (but not completed) by Caesar. These transformations have been analysed from the perspective of epigraphy,literature, history, and material culture, but have left out the agency of local communities and their impact on the provincial landscapes they inhabited and lived in. In this sense, the potential contributions of landscape archaeology areclear, due to its capacity to identify, analyse and understand changes and continuities on these provincial landscapes, which were intimately linked to the processes of social and political change occurring in the Empire.

This session will focus on the contributions that both landscape studies and landscape archaeology have on the understanding of wider processes developing in thewestern provinces of the Roman Empire, aiming at generating new insights into how these developed (e.g. their differences and similarities). As such, we welcome submissions exploring the transitions to the Empire in the provincial landscapes of the western Roman Empire (Hispania, Italia, Gallia, North Africa)from both theoretical (e.g. the transformation from hodological point of view to the cartographical vision) and practical perspectives (e.g. settlement patterns, mobility and communication, spatial analysis, remote sensing and GIS).

If you are interested in giving a paper at the session, please send an abstract of up to 200 words by the EAA 2021 website ( by 12 February 2021 at the latest. Papers should be of 15-20 minutes duration. Due to the current situation, our session will be hybrid (Regular & On-line).

Further questions to the co-organisers Sergio España-Chamorro (Institut Ausonius, Bordeaux FR [email protected]) and María del Carmen Moreno Escobar (Durham University, UK [email protected])

A publication based on the conference proceedings is planned at Routledge, in the “Themes in Contemporary Archaeology” EAA Monograph Series.