The Egypt Exploration Society is offering training sessions online as part
of its new educational programme. Skills covered include museum display
and interpretation, archive creation and management, publishing in scholarly journals, and GIS for Egyptologists. Further sessions will be added
throughout 2021. These sessions are aimed at students, those in the early stages of their professional development, or those requiring a refresher in
specific skills.

Our short skills boost sessions are completely free, while the more in-depth
interactive skills workshops and courses are offered at a reduced rate
(£30) – though limited places are available.

Details of all current sessions are available here:

Online skills boost (FREE): An introduction to museum display and
interpretation Dr Mohamed Gamal Rashed (Damietta University) and Dr Anna Garnett (UCL) 25th March 2021

Online skills workshop (limited places): Archives, from creation to curation
Dr Carl Graves (The Egypt Exploration Society) 15th May 2021

Online skills boost (FREE): Getting published in the Journal of Egyptian
Archaeology Dr Stephanie Boonstra (The Egypt Exploration Society)
8th June 2021

Online skills course (limited places): Introduction to GIS for Egyptologists
Dr Hannah Pethen (University of Liverpool) 11th-25th August 2021