The University of Hamburg is offering a part-time (50%) fixed term (01/10/2021-30/09/2024) research position in the Project “Etymologika. Ordnung und Interpretation des Wissens in griechisch-byzantinischen Lexika bis in die Renaissance. Digitale Erschliessung von Manuskriptproduktion, Nutzerkreisen und kulturellem Umfeld” under the
auspices of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg.
The official offer:
Institution: Faculty of Humanities, Department SLM II, Institute of Greek and Latin Philology
Salary level: EGR. 13 TV-L
Start date: 01.10.2021, fixed until 30.09.2024 (This is a fixed-term contract in accordance with Section 2 of the academic fixed-term labor contract act [Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG]).
Application deadline: 30.06.2021
Scope of work part-time:
Weekly hours: 50 % of standard work hours per week
Duties primarily include teaching and research. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.
Specific Duties
The main focus is on research concerning the sources and manuscript transmission of Greek etymologika, to be conducted in co-operation with the research group within the project “Etymologika” of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg.
Duties also include some support in planning and hosting scholarly events etc.
This position does not comprise any teaching hours.
A university degree in a relevant field. Familiarity with the history of knowlegde pertaining to Ancient Greece (into the post-classical era), at least basic experience in critical editing and/or in Greek Palaeography and Codicology.
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