The Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM, Naples, Italy) has announced a call for applications for 21 Post-Doc Research Fellowships (renewable up to three years). 6 of these Fellowships have been advertised for the broad research area:
“Archeologia e culture del mediterraneo antico. Ricerca storica, conservazione, fruizione del patrimonio” (ACMA)
“Ancient Mediterranean, Archaeology and Cultures, Historical Research, Preservation, Cultural Heritage, Management, and Use” .
This includes: Classical archaeology, Ancient topography, Greek history, Roman history, Egyptology, Classical philology, Greek language and literature, Papyrology, Latin language and literature, Museology, Architectural history and Architectural restoration.
Post-Doc Research Fellowships: how to apply
Candidates of any nationality who have obtained their first Ph.D. degree between 1 September 2014 and 31 August 2020 can apply.
For further details, see here:
and here:
For past announcements on behalf of the SSM click here.