The Department of Antiquities, Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, announces the opening of the temporary exhibition FIVE on March 31.
What was it like living in Cyprus in ancient times? What were the people like, what did they do for a living, what did they eat, did they have hobbies, did they play games or have time for leisure? FIVE adopts an anthropocentric approach allowing the visitor to come “face to face” with the stories of people from the past, by translating scientific bioarchaeological information into narratives that (re)create moments of the life of: the man from Souskiou, the diadem child from Dromolaxia-Vyzakia, the man from Idalion, the woman from Omodos and the woman from Nicosia (Antigonou street). Their embodied experiences are presented by means of creative museological storytelling, using technology, sound, visuals, archaeological findings and site interpretation in order to help make archaeological knowledge more accessible, allowing the visitors to review the ways they think and learn about the past. Α separate space annexed to the main exhibition walks the visitor through the basic principles of bioarchaeology, the study of ancient human remains and the information that can be acquired from them regarding the lives of ancient individuals.
The exhibition FIVE is organised by the Department of Antiquities within the framework of the Face to Face: Meet an Ancient Cypriot (FF:MAC) project, coordinated by The Cyprus Institute and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation (grant no. INTEGRATED/0609/0029). FF:MAC aims to increase the appeal and accessibility of cultural heritage through encounters with real individuals from the Cypriot past, based on bioarchaeological research.
The exhibition will run through September 17, 2023. The opening event will take place on March 31, 2023 at 18:30 with free entry for all.