As the date of the Forum is fast approaching, there are some important updates:

Updated programme, poster and abstracts booklet

You can access all conference materials here:

I attach them here for convenience too (please note the slight changes in the slots of the Sunday session). If you intend to attend in person, you may wish to download your own copy of the abstracts booklet as it will not be included in the conference pack (for the sake of environmental sustainability, we have tried to go as paperless as possible).

Zoom Links and Livestreaming

If you wish to attend online, you can do so via Zoom or via our media sponsor’s websites:https://vachosradio.grand /


Friday 9 June, ‘Spartan Tradition in the 21st century’

Time: Jun 9, 2023 08:30 AM Athens

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 2211 2886

Passcode: 41ysEq

Saturday 10 June, ‘The Spartan Constitution’

Time: Jun 10, 2023 08:30 AM Athens

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 3166 0832

Passcode: 7EdLfe

Sunday 11 June, ‘Sparta and Laconia, Cultural Heritage and Green Tourism’

Time: Jun 11, 2023 08:30 AM Athens

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 1067 2766

Passcode: FMv5jb

Information on venues

-Sainopouleion Foundation (venue for the opening ceremony on Thursday 8 June):  16 Kleomvrotou Street (pedestrian street, where the city’s cinema is located in the centre of Sparti)

-University of the Peloponnese Building – Main Hall (venue for sessions on Friday 9 June, Saturday 10 June and Sunday 11 June): 20 Plateon Street (southern sector of Sparti, around 15-20 minutes’ walk from the city’s central square)

For any questions regarding the event, please contact the lead organiser Dr Chrysanthi Gallou ([email protected])

We would be grateful if you could help us spread the word about the event, by circulating this update  to your own networks and mailing lists.

We look forward to welcoming you all to this event.