The VII Young Researchers International Conference ANIWEH-IX SHRA: Receptions of Antiquity from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary World will take place on Wednesday 8 November, at the Faculty of Letters of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain.
The event is conceived as a forum for research studies that analyses examples of reception of the classical world, as well as other ancient cultures (Egyptian, Near Eastern, proto-historical, etc.), throughout history.
Participation is open to current master’s or PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, and will consist of papers of 15-20 minutes. Contributions in English, Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish or any of the co-official languages in Spain (català, euskera or galego) will be accepted. Proposals should follow the instructions detailed here and must be sent before September 20th to the contact address ([email protected])
The detailed program and additional information is available on our website.