Applications are open for an intensive, two-week course in Linear B & Mycenaean Greek, organised by the British School at Athens.
The course takes place 30 June – 12 July 2024 in Athens, Greece, and is open to students of any university pursuing postgraduate study at doctoral, Masters or Diploma level.
Through site-visits (such as Mycenae, Tiryns, Orchomenos and Gla), lectures, seminars and practical classes, the course introduces students to the Linear B script used in the Late Bronze Age Aegean and to its value in enriching our interpretation of this period largely known through archaeology. It focuses on developing basic skills in writing and reading Linear B documents, exploring the workings of the administrative system that the script supported, and on the insights into economy, society and material production that data on the documents can offer in combination with archaeological data.
For more information about the course and instructions how to apply, visit the courses website
Application deadline is 31 March 2024.