The University of Liège (Department of Egyptology) invites applications for a two-year research position at the University of Liège (100% Post-Doc / 38 hours per week /
net salary = c. 2950€ per month).
This position is funded by the VariGraph project (PI: Laurent Colonna d’Istria & Stéphane Polis), which aims to analyze the synchronic and diachronic patterns of variation of three
ancient writing systems in a comparative perspective (proto-Elamite, cuneiform, and hieroglyphic scripts). The position commences between September 1, 2024 and
December 1, 2024, and lasts for 24 months.
Successful candidates should hold a PhD in Egyptology and possess substantial experience in the field of Egyptian philology. It should be noted that candidates should not have worked in Belgium for more than 2 years within the last 6 years and must have obtained their PhD degree no more than 7 years ago. Publications demonstrating a direct interest in the functioning of the hieroglyphic writing system, hieroglyphic paleography, or displaying
an in-depth knowledge of the hieroglyphic corpus of any given period are considered advantageous.
The successful candidate is expected to:
-Work in close collaboration with the members of the Thot Sign List ( and of the VariGraph projects based at the ULiège.
-Contribute to (the supervision of) the encoding of data and to the development of the IT tools connected to the analysis of written variation in the ancient world – 50%.
-Develop a personal research project directly connected to the study of written variation in the hieroglyphic script (to be detailed in the Research statement) – 45%.
-Teach courses in ancient Egyptian grammar and literature (up to 45h/year) – 5%.
We offer a dynamic and stimulating research environment, along with the necessary infrastructure and support for your research project, situated in a vibrant city in the
heart of Europe with ample opportunities for networking.
Please send your applications as a single PDF file, including a cover letter, a CV, copies of degrees, a three-page research statement, and a list of publications highlighting up to four relevant items (only via email to [email protected]).
Additional materials may be requested from shortlisted candidates.
The deadline for applications is Sunday, April 28, 2024.