A white marble statue depicting a naked male figure in the Ludovisi Hermes type has been found near the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, in the junction of Erechtheiou and N. Kallisperi str. The statue was unearthed during gas works within a trench of just one meter width. It was placed within a structure built of rectangular plinths and has been preserved in a fairly good state.

In this area south of the Acropolis, some of the most luxurious villas have been erected during the Roman Imperial period (1st to 5th centuries AD). These buildings, evidence of a city admired by and attracting wealthy cultivated members of the elite class, were richly decorated with mosaic floors and sculptures of renowned Neo-Attic workshops.

After completing the documentation of the statue, the staff of the Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens will ensure its secure transport to the conservation laboratories for the required preservation.