The Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, invites submissions for an upcoming workshop titled “Spaces and Landscapes of Production in the Aegean World and Beyond”, to be held on 12–13 June 2025 (https://www.archeologia.uw.
This workshop seeks to explore the spatial dimensions of ancient production across all forms – e.g. crafts, food, architecture, and more – and across all scales of analysis, from localized extraction or production sites to broad landscapes. By examining the spatial distribution of archaeological evidence, the workshop aims to address the scale, technology, and organization (or, on the contrary, the disorganization) of production activities, as well as their social, political, economic, technological, environmental, and ritual context.
While the primary focus is on the Neolithic and Bronze Age Aegean world, we encourage a comparative approach and therefore welcome proposals addressing other regions or periods that offer cross-cultural or diachronic insights.
Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:
-Mapping the chaîne opératoire of specific production types (e.g. foodstuffs, textiles, pottery, figurines, metals, glass, architecture), including spatial distribution within installations, settlements, or landscapes, and relationships with raw material sources, land use, settlement patterns, or communication networks.
-Spatial and social networks of producers, including connections across different stages of a single chaîne opératoire and interactions between different production types (cross-craft).
-Theoretical and methodological considerations on the spatial manifestations of production, for instance regarding how the scale, the nature, the (dis)organization, and the social, political, and economic context of production activities translate into specific spatial patterns across various scales of analysis.
-Regional and diachronic variations in spatial strategies of production.
-Archaeo-environmental studies of production spaces and landscapes, for instance regarding environmental opportunities and constraints, as well as the impact of production activities on ancient environments (e.g. pollution).
-Archaeometric and geospatial methods for identifying and analyzing spaces and landscapes of production.
Please use the application form (https://www.archeologia.uw.
The workshop will be held in hybrid mode at the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw, on 12th–13th June 2025. In-person participation in the workshop is included in the 25 EUR fee for the main Sympozjum Egejskie conference (https://www.archeologia.uw.
The proceedings will be published as a volume of Sympozjum Egejskie. Papers in Aegean Archaeology – a series edited by the members of the Department of Aegean and Textile Archaeology and published by Brepols.
For further information, feel free to contact Sylviane Déderix ([email protected])
and/or Stephanie Aulsebrook ([email protected]).