The program for the international conference “Silk in Ancient Greece and its Resonance”, which takes place at the Swedish Institute at Athens, September 19-21, 2019, has just been announced.
September 19
19.15-20.00 Key-note: Berit Hildebrandt: The Provenance, Production and Manufacture of Silk in Ancient Greece: A Reassessment
Reception at the Swedish Institute
September 20
9.00-09.30 Registration and coffee
Session 1: A Literary Thread
09.30-10.00 Peder Flemestad, Silk in the Second Sophistic
10.00-10.30 Ines Bogensperger, The Evidence of Silk in Papyrus Texts from Egypt
10.30-11.00 Mary Harlow, Spinning Tales of Silk: The Use and Misuse of Silk in Late Antique Authors
11.00-11.30 Coffee
Session 2: A Historical Thread I
11.30-12.00 Julia Galliker, Silk in the Byzantine World: Transmission and Technology
12.00-12.30 Maria Sardi: The Culture of Silk in the Mamluks (13th-16th c. A.D.)
12.30-13.00 Hedvig Landenius Enegren: Silk in Cyprus Yesterday and Today: A Retrospective Exposé
Session 2: A Historical Thread II
15.00-15.30 Amica Sundström, Silk Imitation from the Migration Period (400-550 AD) in Sweden
15.30-16.00 Petra Lindscheid, Early Silk North of the Alps: Silk Finds in Roman and Early Medieval Germany
16.00-16.30 Marianne Vedeler, Attitudes to Silk in the Viking age
September 21
Session 3: A Material Thread
10.00-10.30 Eva Panagiotakopulu, Wild Silk from the Aegean: An Archaeoentomological perspective
10.30-11.00 Christophe Moulherat, Serge Berthier, Bernd Schollhorn, Camille Aracheloff, From Cocoon to Textile: Structure and Colour
11.00-11.30 Christina Margariti, The Effects of Artificial Degradation on Silk Fibres
11:30-12:00 Coffee
Session 4: Tying Up the Threads
12.00-12:30 Amica Sundström, The Reconstruction of a Roman Silk Textile
12.30-13.00 Kalliope Sarri, Experiment and Experience: Hands-on Approaches to the Equipment and Technology of Ancient Textiles
13.00-13.30 Maria Venizelea, Silk Stories
13.30 Concluding remarks
The conference is organized by: The Swedish Institute at Athens, ARTEX, Lund University, Pireos Bank