23 March 2017 Start
26 March 2017 End
USA Yale University, Linsly-Chittenden Hall 63 High Street New Haven, Connecticut 06510

Τηλ.: 203-432-0465

Twelfth Biennial Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity Conference

Thursday, March 23, 2017 - Sunday, March 26, 2017

From March 23-26, 2017 the Twelfth Biennial Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity Conference on the theme “The Fifth Century: Age of Transformation” will be held at Yale in New Haven CT 2017. 

In chronological terms there can be little doubt that the fifth century is the pivot point of Late Antiquity. It is arguable that it also represents the major watershed between a monolithic world still dominated by the Roman Empire in the third and fourth centuries and the more tessellated worlds of the sixth and seventh. Whereas the fourth century is still very much an age of continuity with the earlier empire, the fifth can rightfully be viewed as the moment when Mediterranean Eurasia and North Africa witnessed profound political, social, religious, economic and cultural transformations. Shifting Frontiers XIII seeks to investigate the nature and impact of these changes.
