Of the theatres of the Arcadic city-states only a limited number has survived in ruins andl or in fragmentary condition. The small theatres of Mandineia and Tegea, built in the centre of the city on artificial low hills, the small theatres on the Acropolis of Orchomenos and Aepion built on the hill-slopes and finally the theatre of Megalopolis, the first in capacity not only in Arcadia but in the whole of Greece. Since Hellenistic times, only from the beginning of our century has the art of theatre found a proper shelter in the area, i.e. the Malliaropouleio Theatre, built in Tripolis, the capital of the province of Arcadia. Mistreated by time and neglected by man, this theatre is now under restoration in the hope of accommodating new performances on stage.
Ancient and contemporary theatres in Arcadia
31 Jul 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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