The article refers to a postgraduate research program, carried out: a. in Great Britain (University of Brighton, b. in Greece (Delphi museum and archaeological site, on Siphnos island – Chrysopigi district and Folk Art Museum, Athens – Museum of Cycladic Art and Superior School of Fine Arts, Library) and c. in Czechia (Prague – the Dancan Dance Center). In this research Apollo and Dionysus are approached as universal principles and their characteristics related to body and nature, dance and the representation arts. The research ended up with the presentation of an installation and video work and its main conclusions were: Apollo: He is the god of light and proportion. The spinal column is his point of connection with the body, stretching and raising are his kinesiologic elements. Dionysus: He is the earth god, the spirit of the species. The abdominal area is his point of connection with the body, twisting, curving and circular movement are his kinesiologic elements. In the art of sculpture, the Cycladic idols can be regarded as examples of the Apollonian pose and movement, while the Boeotian idols can serve as examples of the Dionysian one. The artist has to go through a process of catharsis and purification in order to become in tune with the universal principles, the Apollonian and the Dionysian ones, and to be able to express them artistically.