In a number of articles, published in previous issues of this periodical, we have examined public architecture in the years of Capodistrias (1828-1832), thus contributing to the thorough study of public space organization in Greece during the period of the first governor of the country after the liberation from the Turks. In these articles, refering to public buildings in Argos and Nauplion and to Gordon’s mansion in Argos, we have proved that an intesive as well as extensive building activity is recorded throughout Greece, aiming to the creation of a more or less sufficient
infrastructure of public architecture. By this term we mean the erection of schools, administrative and military buildings, warehouses, penintentiaries, etc, and also the restoration of the so-called “national edifices”, which were buildings owned by the state. From the political point of view the reaiization of such an immense project perfectly illustrates the strong decision of the Capodistrian administration to create a modern state in a country which had just overcome seven long, dreadful years of an exhausting revolutionary and also civil war. If we take into consideration that military operations for the liberation of other Greek regions were still going on in 1829 -which were annexed to Greece in 1830 under the London Protocol- we can better appreciate the difficulties this project had to face as well as its real importance and impact on the public architecture of the modern Greek state.