The most interesting excavation in the “Greek sector” of the ancient city of Capernaum was carried out last summer by the Israeli Department of Antiquities and Museums. The excavation was under the auspices of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and was directed by Vasilios Tzaferis, a Greek in origin. In the excavation also participated and contributed financially approximately forty students and professors of the universities of Notre Dame, of Indiana, Missuri State University and Averett College of Virginia, U.S.A.
The project focused on the excavation of a new area, extending over one and a half acres, between the walls of the Franciscan sector and the shore of the Τiberias sea. The surνey was limited to four trenches where traces of a public building (bath?) and of a water supply and drain system started to appear. The shards found so far belong to the Roman, Byzantine and Arabic period. The excavation is to be continued this coming summer and its pursuit is quite ambitious; the formation and functions of the posterior city to be completed and elucidated, the church of St. John the Theologian, known from christian itineraries, that replaced the oId sanctuary of St. Peter’s dwellings after the Arabic conquest, to be located and brought to light.