The purpose of this article is to present the geographic and demographic distribution of medical and paramedical personnel in Greece during the mid-War years. Our information comes from the Medical Guide of Greece [Ιατρικός Oδηγός της Ελλάδος] of 1926 by Assael and Matsas, and from other, mainly medical, sources. The research carried out led us to various conclusions regarding the spatial distribution of the various medical specialities, the overall structure of the healthcare system in that period (region, county, city), and the demographic picture of Greece, since the dispersion of medical personnel corresponded to the needs of the country’s population. Furthermore, statistic elaboration of the available material has revealed the existence of certain specialities and their concentration or shortage in certain areas as well as the distribution of hospitals and medical institutions in general in the same areas. Finally, certain representative diagrams have been incorporated in our study so that the statistic and demographic data derived from our sources could be made clear.