The Neoclassical style first appeared in cities under the state’s initiative and gradually, having been accepted by the private sector, it spread to minor settlements in Greece. As a natural result a grading of the number and the size of the buildings had been observed. It must be pointed out that the buildings I have approached, so far unknown to science, all located in big Euboean towns, are in no way inferior in morphology, beauty and elegance to their relatives in Athens.They exhibit a balanced inner and outer aesthetic scale and harmony, which are undoubtedly very important artistic virtues.
In this article I make a brief presentation of the unknown Neoclassical wealth of Euboea accompanied by few of the unpublished photographs from my archive. Thus, I would like to believe that the reader will obtain a more or less complete picture of this significant aspect of Euboea and that he will get the message: We must at any cost safeguard and thoroughly study the Neoclassical architecture of this island, so that we can prevent the rest of the beautiful island of Euboea from being destroyed for the sake of profit as is the case of Chalkida and Karystos.