In this article I present my space-emotional dream interpretation method and theory, which maintains that a subject/dreamer experiences first an actual initial event in broad daylight and. when he goes to sleep, this very same initial event reappears in his dream. This time it is disguised with suitable dream pictures, different yet similar to the initial event, that contain similar actions, causing during the dream similar emotions. So, a dream, regarding the initial event, is:
a. A re-presentation, since it has different though similar pictures.
b. A re-action, since It has similar action (behavior, energy).
c. A re-dramatization, since it has similar emotions (drama}.
These suitable dream pictures are “borrowed” for the needs of the dream from the subject-dreamer’s memory -where else from in one’s sleep? — , namely from some previous event that had happened to the dreamer/subject in the past, before the dream and before the initial event. This previous event as a central picture matches point to point with all the important pars of the initial event, plus its action and emotions. The previous event is what we actually see in a dream, but hidden behind it point to point lies invisible the re¬cent initial event of the day before, which is the true interest of the dream. Not all everyday events become dreams, however. Just the initial events that ended up abruptly, frustrated, with their emotions pending in mid air. The pending emotion is the actual secret charge of any dream. And the dream is an actual attempt of our consciousness to put in order a frustrated pending emotion. It is quite a manoeuvre.