In this article we attempt to draw an outline of the typology of diseases that appear in the polymorphous world of Nikos Kazantzakis’ novels. Quite a few of the personae in Kazantzakis’ prose suffer from a broad spectrum of physical and psychic diseases. A few, typical examples are the psychic and spiritual morbidity of the hero in Serpent and Lily, Orestes’ depression in Broken Souls, the tuberculosis obsessing the pure communist Shuki in Toda-Raba, madam Ortence’s fatal malady in Zorba the Greek as well as the hideous eczema that scars Manolios’ face in Christ Recrucified . We also look into the functional role of the diseases in novels, their cure, whenever it is attempted and succeeds, and their incorporation in Kazantzakis’ prose oeuvre.
Suffering personae in Nikos Kazantzakis’ novels
30 Aug 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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