A long discussion regarding the chronology of the Petralona cave findings (fauna and flora fossils, artefacts, human remains etc.) is ongoing, since the skull of a prehistoric man was found there 46 years ago. Both relative and absolute datings have being controversial amongst the various scientific publications. The relative chronologies however provided a clearer picture, that of Early-Middle Pleistocene (0,50-0,8 m.y.a.). The absolute datings, such as palaeomag, aminoacids, ESR, U/Th, TL etc, led to several measurable results, which are not always concordant. A synthesis of the up today efforts and an attempt of interpreting the contradictory results are presented in this article.
The Absolute Datings of Spelaeothems and Findings from Petralona Cave (Chalkidiki, Greece)
30 Aug 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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