The first part of the complete re-exhibition of the Archeological Museum of Thessaloniki was inaugurated a few days before the opening of the Olympic Games of 2004 along with the more important section of its renovated building. The method followed for the presentation of this re-exhibition, entitled “The Gold of Macedons” was that of the thematic entities: Mining, Use and Dissemination of Gold, Gold and the Archaeology of Death, the Derveni Papyrus. Four more exhibition entities, The Prehistory of Macedonia, Towards the Creation of Cities, Macedonia, and Thessaloniki, the preparation of which had already started since the end of 2001, were inaugurated in the early September of 2006. The above methodology was again followed, whereas for the exhibition of the prehistoric section emphasis was given to the everyday, customary practices of the period. The basic thematic nuclei around which the latter exhibition revolves are: space/environment, time, economy, society, spiritual/religious/artistic life and technology. Although these notional units have been already classified since the 1960’s by the positivist and modernist D. Clark, one of the pioneers of New Archaeology, they nevertheless remain diachronic; therefore, since no one could deny their post-modern use, we have included them in the planning of the exhibition, because, by offering a variety of interpretations, the exhibition can evoke the visitor’s judgment on its subject and issues. The differentiation from the past is clear: the present objective is communication in the broader philosophical and social sense of the term. Needless to say that the exhibition is framed by a broad variety of multimedia and other electronic applications incorporated in and related to its thematic entities.
The Re-exhibition in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki (2001-2006)
30 Aug 2012
by Archaeology Newsroom
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