The Department of Anthropology at Harvard University invites applications for a Tenure Track appointment at the level of Assistant Professor or untenured Associate Professor in the field of Paleolithic Archaeology. We seek a candidate with expertise in the archaeology of hominins in Eurasia and/or Africa prior to ca. 10,000 calBP. Preference will be given to candidates who have active field projects and are also proficient in one or more aspects of archaeological science/technical studies (e.g., lithic analysis, geoarchaeology, environmental archaeology, archaeological statistics, etc.) complementary to existing department strengths. Candidates are expected to be able to offer introductory as well as advanced courses to undergraduates and graduate students and to demonstrate a promise of excellence in both research and teaching.
In addition to a cover letter, applicants should provide a statement of present and future research as well as a statement of teaching interests and philosophy, and names and contact information (including e-mail addresses) of three to five references. In addition, the application should include a CV, teaching evaluations and two or three writing samples / publications. Please submit the materials through the ARIES portal (, no later than October 1, 2012.
The appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2013 and a PhD is required by the start date.
Contact Information: Prof. Rowan Flad, Chair, Search Committee, Paleolithic Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected] or Gilmore Tamny [email protected]