“Gendered violence in the past: Materialities and corporealities”
Czech Republic, Plzeň, September 4-8 2013
Session of “Archaeology and Gender in Europe”, working party of the European Association of Archaeologists
This session aims to explore the archaeology of gendered violence, to explore when and how violence is related to gender, and how we can recognize this in past societies. This conference’s aim is to enrich the archaeological understanding of different experiences of violence and to raise new questions and problems and confront different approaches, theories and methodologies. As stated in the Session Abstract of the conference’s announcement: “We understand violence as both bodily and social. Bodies are mortal, vulnerable and exposed to gaze and touch of others (pace Judith Butler). Thus, although violence is always embedded in culture, culture is not a monolithic and self-explanatory given: individual life-experiences are shaped by the identity palimpsest of gender, age, ethnicity, race, status, sexuality and more. Violence does not randomly target just anybody. It is political and performative. It becomes socially meaningful by reaching an audience, and affects even those not physically touched by it. In the social context, violence is closely tied to definitions of legitimate and illegitimate force. It can be seen as an act of mastering the Other.”
Abstracts submission deadline (200 words): March 15, 2013.
According to official EAA policy abstracts should be written only in English. Authors must be registered EAA members by June 30th 2013.