Call for papers for the Seventh Conference of Italian Archaeology to be held at the National University of Ireland, Galway from April 16th to 18th 2016.
Registration for the conference is now open, but please take notice that early registration rates are available until February 16th 2016. A limited number of travel bursaries, generously sponsored by the Accordia Research Institute, are available for postgraduate students and (unwaged) early career scholars who will be presenting a paper at the conference. Navigate to the conference website for further details on how to apply, but note the approaching deadline of December 18th 2015 :
Call for Papers
The Seventh Conference of Italian Archaeology is a successor to the previous meetings held in Lancaster (1977), Sheffield (1980), Cambridge (1984), London (1990), Oxford (1992), and Groningen (2003). The conference will centre on the archaeology of Italy and its islands from prehistory through to the modern period. The primary theme of the conference will be the archaeology of death, but we also have a number of panels that consider recent developments to Italian archaeology. In addition a poster session will provide the opportunity for excavators to present site reports and other topics of interest.
Contributors are invited to present papers of 20 minutes in duration on the archaeology of death that introduces new data and/or novel theoretical approaches. Suggested topics through which contributors might explore the theme of funerary archaeology include, but are not limited to:
-Landscapes of death
-The Experience of Death
-Marginalised burials
-Osteoarchaeological approaches
To make a submission please navigate to the conference website. The paper and poster proposal deadline is now 31st January 2016.