The Byzantine Greek Summer School, offering courses in medieval Greek language, is now relocated to the University of Birmingham(Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies).
The courses offered are organized in three levels:
– Level 1, Beginners (28 July – 11 August): Suitable for absolute beginners in Byzantine Greek. It starts with the Greek alphabet and takes students through the basic grammar of Greek to the point where they can begin to translate simple Greek texts with the aid of a dictionary.
-Level 2, Intermediate (11–25 August): It carries straight on from the Level-1 course, completing the coverage of basic Greek grammar and introducing students to a variety of Greek texts. Each year a number of people take both courses.
*If the number of participants justifies it (as happened in 2012) an additional course, Level-2.5 (Higher Intermediate), will be introduced for the more advanced applicants to Level-2, but this course is not offered as an option at the application stage.
-Level 3, Advanced Reading (11–25 August): This is an Advanced Reading course for those who successfully completed Level-2 in a previous year and have made further progress since, or those have acquired the necessary familiarity with Greek by other means.
A diagnostioc translation test is available for prospective students aiming to Levels 2 and 3 in order to determine the apporopriate level.
In 2013 the basic fee for participation in the Summer School, including accommodation (up to 14 nights self catering accommodation in a student hall of residence) will be 440 GBP for each two-week course; the fee for attending both Level-1 and Level-2 is 880 GBP.
Sources of Funding
The Byzantine Greek Summer School normally receives grants from the Classical Association and the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies to provide bursaries for a small number of participants. Profits from the sale of the publication series Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations may provide further bursaries. The Classical Association prefers to fund students from Eastern Europe, Asia or Africa, while the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies prefers to fund students from UK Universities. Funds from these sources for the 2013 Summer School are not yet confirmed.
Please follow the links below for additional information and completing your application.