“Cultural Heritage practices: issues of archaeological conservation and site preservation” is a 3-day training course, organised in the framework of the EU funded project New Archaeological Research Network for Integrating Approaches to ancient material studies (NARNIA – www.narnia-itn.eu), coordinated by the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus.

The workshop aims to provide basic information about current theories, principles, policies and practices related to the conservation of ancient materials and cultural heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean, with some emphasis on sites with mosaics. This training event will bring together students, young scholars, academic researchers and policy makers to present and discuss problems encountered in the region related to bad practices, deficiencies, and lessons-to-be-learned in the areas of preventive conservation and preservation of ancient sites and monuments.

Fifteen lectures by distinguished scholars in the field of cultural heritage management and conservation will take place on the issues of archaeological conservation and site preservation across the Eastern Mediterranean. The lectures include:

“Interplay between conservation and valorisation of the archaeological heritage of Sardinia”, by Boninu Antonietta, Former Director of Archaeology, Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici delle Province di Sassari e Nuoro; Former Director of the Museo Archeologico Nazionale Turritanio of Porto Torres (Sassari)

“Conservation and presentation of mosaics from ancient Vienne: at the Museum and the archaeological Site of Saint-Romain-en-Gal”, by Chantriaux Evelyne, Director of the Atelier de restauration de mosaïques de Saint-Romain-en-Gal

“Restoration and conservation of a Roman painted ceiling from the villa of Sant’Imbenia, Alghero, Sardinia”, by Cobau Andreina, Partner (Wall painting consevration), Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, Roma

“The sunken city of Roman Baiae: some aspects of the work of conservation and restoration”, by Davidde Barbara, Director of the Underwater Archaeological Unit – Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro, Roma

“Recent works of conservation-restoration at the Archaeological Site of Delos”, by Hadjidakis Panayiotes J., President of the Committee for the Restoration of the Delos Monuments 21st Ephorate of Antiquities

“From the listing of an Ancient Monument to its excavation, conservation, preservation and promotion. Problems and Concerns”, by Ieronymidou Marina, Acting Director, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus & Eleutherios Charalambous Conservator, Department of Antiquities, Cyprus

“Methods and Procedures in the protection and preservation of the archaeological sites in Jordan”, by Mahamid Basema , Head of Technical Section, Amman Directorate, Department of Antiquities of Jordan

“Contemporary trends in the display, enhancement and interpretation of archaeological sites and monuments”, by Malouchou Tofano Fani, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Technical Universaity of Crete

“The Roman city of Zeugma (Turkey) conservation project”, by Nardi Roberto, Director, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica, Roma

“The Loukou project”, by Panayiotopoulou Anastasia, Former Ephor of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities for Laconia

“Recent underwater conservation and enhancement of ancient wrecks in Italy”, by Petriaggi Roberto, Editor of “Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea”, Rome.

“Using geomatics for the monitoring of an archaeological area: the case of Western Thebes (Luxor, Egypt)”, by Pimpaud Alban-Brice, Independent researcher, former responsible for the Archaeological Map of Western Thebes, Ministry of State for Antiquities, Egypt

“Heritage Management at the Lowest Place on Earth: Ghor es-Safi in Jordan, 1987-2013”, by Politis Konstantinos, European Social Fund Researcher at Athens University; Chairperson of Hellenic Society for Near Eastern Studies, Unive. of Athens

“Conservation of Mosaics: false perceptions, harsh realities, practical solutions”, by John Stewart, Senior Architectural Conservator, English Heritage, London

“The MOSAIKON Initiative: Developing sustainable approaches for the conservation of mosaics in the Mediterranean”, by Teutonico Jeanne Marie, Associate Director, Programs, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles


Dates: 4-6 November 2013

Location: Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 12 Gladstonos Str., Nicosia, Cyprus

No. of participants: 40 – the course is open to interested individuals outside the NARNIA network

This NARNIA training event is offered free of charge, even though participants are expected to assume their own travel and accommodation expenses.

More information will follow soon including the full programme of the training course.


If you are interested in attending this course, please contact Dr Maria Dikomitou-Eliadou ([email protected]) in order to secure a place.