The Committee for the Conservation of the Acropolis Monuments and the Acropolis Restoration Service, in collaboration with the First Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and the Special Service for the Sector of Culture, have organized the 6th International Scientific Meeting on “The restoration work on the Acropolis”. The conference starts today.
The main themes of the symposium focus on the theoretical aspects of the restoration of the Acropolis monuments and the results of recent research with respect to their architecture and conservation. In addition, they outline particular problems of technology and technical applications.
During the two-day conference there will be presentations on the restoration works on the Acropolis monuments between 2000 and 2010, which were funded by the Third Community Support Framework. Furthermore, lecturers will report on the ongoing interventions that are being implemented according to studies approved by the Central Archaeological Council, with appropriations from the Operational Programme “Attica” (National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013) and the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund and the Greek Government.
Although the final decisions on future works lie within the Central Archaeological Council and the Hellenic Ministry, the Committee feels that the views and comments expressed by the participants will benefit the projects’ objectives. Towards this end, questionnaires about the interventions will be prepared and distributed to the conference participants. The presentations and the conference minutes will be included in the proceedings that will be published soon after.
Greek will be the official language of the conference with simultaneous translation in English.
26/9/13 Update
Already by the 25/9 the number of registered participants has been filled. Please take intop account that registered participants will receive the conference material (book of abstracts, selected editions by YSMA, name badge).
For those who did not manage to register, we remind that the conference will be open to the public, but there is no possibility for distributing the conference material described above. Due to limited positions in the auditorium of the Acropolis Museum and the tour sessions on the monuments, there will be a first-come-first-served priority queue.
For more information, visitors may contact the conference secretariat on site.